The money you spent promoting your site does not, and should not, prohibit another--such
as myself--from breaking in.That is unfair practice.
You have to adjust to the
rest of the businesses in the world, but not by stepping on them.
If your neighbors
in .web, .biz, .shop are doing something different than you are, you have no problem.
they are doing something very similar, then consider this: there will be people who
hear about their sites, who quite often will:
a) visit yours by mistake, thereby
bringing you attention and business. (.com is often the default people think of.)
visit your out of curiousity, after visiting theirs.
Actually, you might see
a boost in profits from the spillage. If your neighbors in the other TLDs market
their sites, you will benefit from their efforts with no additional expense from
Furthermore, consider buying a great domain in the new TLDs that can be used
to direct (by linking) or redirect (by DNS pointing) additional consumers to your
cheif site who come to your .web, .biz, etc., via type-in curiousity.
Getting recognized
through type-ins is crucial. Get more traffic with the better domains in other TLDs.
your perception of lemons into a perception of lemonade.
New TLDs can benefit you