My name is Lorenza Jachia from the Electronic Commerce Section of UNCTAD (United
Nations Conference on Trade and Development) Secretariat.The following is based
on my personal opinion and does not represent the views of the UNCTAD secretariat
or its Member States on the issue.
In the context of the tourism industry, the
implementation of the .geo proposal would allow Internet users to access websites
of tourism service providers directly, without a need for search engines or travel
agents, be they brick and mortar or virtual. This would allow a more direct link
between the final consumer and the hotel or tour operator in the destination country.
turn, this would promote a more equitable distribution of the gains from trade from
tourism, which now works disproportionately in favour of intermediaries. In a development
perspective, if service providers in developing countries are able to retain a a
higher proportion of revenue, local communities will be able to work towards better
management of destinations, from an environmental, cultural, and social point of
Clearly, the .geo proposal cannot by itself provide a solution to suc a complex
range of issues. But it is a step in the right direction.
Additionally, from the
point of view of a research institution, the .geo proposal will allow a better classification
of economic activities on the web from a geographical point of view.
I thus fully
support the .geo proposal.