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Username: rhyne
Date/Time: Wed, October 18, 2000 at 11:14 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Navigator V4.7 Custom using XWindows/IRIX64 6.5
Score: 5
Subject: .geo Application by SRI International


                This note is in support of SRI International's ICANN application
to create a new top-level domain for the discovery of
geospatial information entitled ".geo".  On July 26th, 2000,
at the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest
Group on Graphics (ACM-SIGGRAPH)'s annual conference (SIGGRAPH 2000),
SRI International presented their intent to submit an ICANN
proposal for ".geo" at the ACM SIGGRAPH Carto Birds of a
Feather Session.  The ACM SIGGRAPH Carto Project is an effort,
begun in 1996, to explore how viewpoints and techniques
from the computer graphics community can be effectively applied to cartographic and spatial data sets. The GeoVRML working group
of the Web3D Consortium is an outgrowth of the ACM SIGGRAPH
Carto Project's effort and the Carto Project also has an
ongoing collaboration with the International Cartographic
Association's Commission on Visualization and Virtual Reality.

SRI International's ".geo" proposal was enthusiastically
embraced at the ACM SIGGRAPH Carto BOF and we are thrilled
to see that their proposal has been put forward to ICANN.

For a summary of the ACM SIGGRAPH Carto BOF meeting at
SIGGRAPH 2000, please see:

We are hopeful that SRI International's ".geo" proposal
will receive a positive review by ICANN.

Theresa-Marie Rhyne
Director - ACM SIGGRAPH Carto Project



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