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Username: mwillis
Date/Time: Sat, October 28, 2000 at 5:16 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: support the concept


I've read WHO's proposal on this web site and support the concept and the intent.  I've also read the other postings (pro and con) and feel that they raise points that merit consideration.  However, my interests are not in global or Internet health politics, but the quality of health information provided on the Internet.  It is now the first place that many individuals go for their health information.  And seeking health information is one of the major uses of the Internet.
It is difficult to protect the public from unsafe health practitioners.  It will be just as difficult to protect the public from web-delivered health information that is inaccurate, outdated, or even dangerous.  This does not mean that the attempt should not be made, but any organization that proposes setting and enforcing quality standards in this arena is taking on a monumental responsibility.  The Internet is global -- the WHO is global.  Right there, that qualifies the WHO in terms of "having the big picture."  It will be interesting, if their proposal for .health is accepted, to see how they exercise their responsibilities on a more "local" web site by web site basis.  If WHO's proposed standards raise the health information bar past unsafe to at least acceptable -- that is a good start, however.
Since web-based professional education in health care is growing, I also hope that the WHO sets some standards in this area.  There are too many "interactive" continuing education web sites for health care providers that contain zero interactivity, have been developed by  web-development companies outside the health care field, use unvalidated content and testing written by individuals with questionable credentials, and charge $$$ for awarding hours of continuing education that can be completed in minutes.  And as web-based distance learning for entry into health professions increases, there must be concern about the quality of professional education for health providers offered on the Internet.  The WHO has their work cut out for them!
Mary Alice Willis MSN RN


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