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Username: lhanmer
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 2:40 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.74 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .health


   The South African (SA) Health Knowledge Network ( been established to provide a one-stop shop for quality health information, with a focus on Southern Africa.  The project is being conducted by the SA Medical Research Council (MRC), with major funding from the Innovation fund of the SA Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology.

The Steering Committee of the SA Health Knowledge Network supports the
initiative for the formation of the TLD .health.

The SA Health Knowledge Network has been developed to meet all the
criteria for registration in the .health domain, and would certainly
apply for registration under this domain.  As members of an organisation in a developing country with experience in the development of quality information resources on health, representatives of SA Health Knowledge Network and the SA MRC would be well placed to participate in the proposed advisory committee for the .health domain.

Further information on the SA Health Knowledge Network may be obtained
from the project co-ordinator, Dr JA Louw, Executive Director:
Informatics and Communication, SA MRC  (;  tel +27 21
938 0219; fax +27 21 938 0474).  


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