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Username: CKing
Date/Time: Thu, November 2, 2000 at 7:43 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Support of WHO sponsored .health TLD


                The WHO initiative to improve the reliability of health information through a .health TLD has considerable merit.  Particularly since the commercial potential of health information has been recognized, the establishment of mechanisms such as peer review and accredited gateways will help to provide safe and reliable health information to increasing numbers of health consumers going online.
However, this action should in no way restrict access to information. Rather it should protect the known standards applied to regulation of health information, but in accordance with WHO principles, it should extend beyond protection to enhancing, educating and empowering consumers.
There is therefore an obvious need to filter the volume of health information, to regulate and to guarantee levels of quality, but also to optimize the opportunities to extend and expand the domain of ‘health’. The World Health Organization would seem to be an appropriate body to sponsor such activities.

Dr Chris King, PhD.
La Trobe Telehealth Group
Victoria, Australia.



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