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Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Action Items: OSC-CSG Work Team 24 April 2009
- To: Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Action Items: OSC-CSG Work Team 24 April 2009
- From: Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 12:45:59 -0100
Dear Victoria,
as per your request and also SS request I have asked ICANN staff if this is
I will keep you informed about this.
Best regards and thanks.
2009/4/27 Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Thanks Olga.
> I will wait for a draft of the full minutes of our meeting then from Julie
> and will then review.
> The text already sent is just points and much too truncated for minutes.
> Olga –it would help with my review to have access to the recording also and
> I would be grateful if this could be made available.
> Thank you and very best,
> Victoria McEvedy
> Principal
> McEvedys
> *Solicitors** and Attorneys *
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> *From:* olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of
> *Olga Cavalli
> *Sent:* 27 April 2009 03:02
> *To:* Victoria McEvedy
> *Cc:* jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx; OSC-CSG Work Team
> *Subject:* Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Action Items: OSC-CSG Work Team 24 April
> 2009
> Dear Victoria,
> We agreed during our Kick-off meeting in México that Julie was going to
> prepare minutes of our meetings, which are available for working team
> revision.
> Previous meeting notes are posted on the wiki:
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?osc_constituency_operation_work_team_meeting_notes
> If you think that the text sent by Julie must be changed to make it more
> accurate, please send new suggested text to the list. Once agreed this text
> can be used as the base document for the meeting minutes and for the OSC
> report.
> I hope I have captured your concerns, if you have further comments or
> suggestions do not hesitate to let me know.
> Best regards
> Olga
> 2009/4/24 Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sorry for not being clear Olga.
> I’m really saying I’d like to amend the action points if we are to be held
> to them—they don’t quite capture some agreed points and they are not
> accurate as Minutes.
> I’m also asking where are our formal minutes?
> Best regards,
> Victoria McEvedy
> Principal
> McEvedys
> *Solicitors** and Attorneys *
> [image: cid:669FC637-760A-4D2F-B56E-2C180C1870CC]
> 96 Westbourne Park Road
> London
> W2 5PL
> T: +44 (0) 207 243 6122
> F: +44 (0) 207 022 1721
> M: +44 (0) 7990 625 169
> *www.mcevedy.eu *
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> is created by this email communication.
> *From:* olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:olgacavalli@xxxxxxxxx] *On Behalf Of
> *Olga Cavalli
> *Sent:* 24 April 2009 22:18
> *To:* Victoria McEvedy
> *Cc:* jahedlund@xxxxxxxxxxx; OSC-CSG Work Team
> *Subject:* Re: [gnso-osc-csg] Action Items: OSC-CSG Work Team 24 April
> 2009
> Dear Victoria,
> I just changed you name for Veronica in my last email, my apologies!
> Have a nice weekend!
> Regards
> Olga
> 2009/4/24 Olga Cavalli <olgac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> Dear Veronica, could you please clarfy to me your last message?
> I do not understand it.
> Best regards and thanks in advance
> Olga
> 2009/4/24 Victoria McEvedy <victoria@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Without being pedantic is having a main points of discussion section as we
> have below a usual practice? There is a danger these summaries will stand in
> for Minutes without being minutes and I understand the full recording is
> posted online? I think we would all like to avoid editing/agreeing this sort
> of thing but I don’t agree with the scope/characterization of some of the
> wording—but is it important? Apologies in advance.
> Victoria McEvedy
> Principal
> McEvedys
> *Solicitors** and Attorneys *
> [image: cid:669FC637-760A-4D2F-B56E-2C180C1870CC]
> 96 Westbourne Park Road
> London
> W2 5PL
> T: +44 (0) 207 243 6122
> F: +44 (0) 207 022 1721
> M: +44 (0) 7990 625 169
> *www.mcevedy.eu *
> Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority #465972
> This email and its attachments are confidential and intended for the
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> reading, copying or forwarding the contents.
> This email does not create a solicitor-client relationship and no retainer
> is created by this email communication.
> *From:* owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-osc-csg@xxxxxxxxx]
> *On Behalf Of *Julie Hedlund
> *Sent:* 24 April 2009 17:41
> *To:* OSC-CSG Work Team
> *Subject:* [gnso-osc-csg] Action Items: OSC-CSG Work Team 24 April 2009
> Meeting
> Dear Work Team Members,
> For your review and consideration, the following are suggested action items
> and main points of discussion from today's meeting. I welcome your
> questions and comments. These also are posted on the wiki at:
> https://st.icann.org/icann-osc/index.cgi?constituency_operations_team.
> Also, please note that *the* *next meeting will be held on Friday, May 8
> at 1300 UTC.*
> *Meeting Action Items:*
> 1. Draft Task 1 Work Plan:
> -- Julie will review constituency and stakeholder group charters and
> indicate which contain the criteria listed in subtasks 1, 2, and 3 of the
> Task 1 Work Plan.
> -- Work Team members will use the table to determine possible areas of
> concern/conflict as recommendations are developed for each of the Task 1
> subtasks.
> 2. Board resolution on Constituency Renewal Process -- Rob Hoggarth will
> provide information pertaining to the Board resolution on the Constituency
> Renewal Process.
> *Main Points of Discussion:*
> 1. Staff support
> -- Discussed procedures for requesting support and the need to coordinate
> requests to ensure all Work Team needs are addressed.
> -- Emphasized the commitment by staff to support the Work Team as described
> in the Charter: *"*V. STAFF SUPPORT The ICANN Staff assigned to the work
> team will fully support the work of the teams as directed by the Chair
> including meeting support, document drafting, editing and distribution and
> other substantive contributions when appropriate."
> -- Staff suggested an action item, to which the team agreed, to produce
> preliminary information to address subtasks 1, 2, and 3 as described above.
> 2. Text of Task 1 Work Plan
> -- Agreed to the following textual change for Task 1, subtask 1, items 1
> and 2: "1. Develop guidelines, rules, or principles for constituency
> participation in stakeholder groups." and "2. Develop guidelines, rules, or
> principles for participation in constituencies.
> -- Agreed to being flexible in the implementation of the Work Plan subtasks
> and not to be tied to semantics.
> 3. Clarification on the Timing of Board Approvals of Constituency Charters
> and Possible Conflicts with Work Team Recommendations
> -- Concerns were raised concerning possible conflicts with existing
> constituency/stakeholder charters arising from the Work Team's
> recommendations.
> -- Work Team members agreed to identify specific areas of concern within
> their subtasks, aided by a table prepared by Julie Hedlund. (See Action
> Item 1 above.)
> -- Concerns also were raised respecting possible conflicts/duplication with
> the ongoing Constituency Renewal Process. Rob Hoggarth agreed to provide
> information on the Board resolution/process.
> Best regards,
> Julie
> Julie Hedlund
> Policy Consultant

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