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Username: Garry Anderson
Date/Time: Tue, July 4, 2000 at 3:43 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: TWADDLE


>The rationale is, that the person/entity that is willing to pay the most for the domain name, also is the one that has the best use of it.

What a load of pathetic twaddle. You should be a government spin-doctor.

It REALLY means those least able to afford it - do not get it.

It stops the small business COMPLETELY from getting their hands on decent name AND HANDS IT TO BIG BUSINESS ON A PLATE.

Letting them auction domains, you would give ICANN even more power us.

First come - first served (even in nano seconds) gives everyone a EQUAL chance.

Or do you not like the idea of everyone being equal?

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