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Username: mediaevum
Date/Time: Sun, June 18, 2000 at 3:19 PM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: WEB and IOD reply


      JMGraham's posting is a bit confused. He claims that "the world owns the internet" and is thus opposed to one company handling dot web registry. The internet is definitely a world-wide phenomenon and helps unite the world. However, what does it mean to say that the world owns it? That implies that all domains, including dot webs, dot coms and dot nets, cannot be owned or developed. All websites belong to everyone in the world. One person can develop it, but anyone else in the world can change it, since it belongs to every one of the billions of people that inhabit our planet. Every site belongs to everyone and no one has any rights to any site, according to this convoluted philosophy.
     Image Online Design has been establishing a dot web database of names. What is the problem? This is available to anyone in the world. Why would other countries object? Citizens of the world have had the opportunity to register. There must be a controlling company that manages the registry. It can't be sent out to a nebulous entity called "The world." Furthermore, as I understand it, Image Online Design has been accepting registries not for a few months, but for about four years. Certainly this indicates some consistency and ensures that, when the dot webs are approved, they can be posted and functional soon. People who have registered with them have every right to develop their interests through their sites.
     There also seems to be some problem about who owns what. He seems to object that some people have bought a lot of domain names. What is the problem? They were offered for sale, and people bought them. Isn't that the idea? If people want to develop one site, or a hundred, or even a thousand, that is their business. Why should anyone have the right to say, "No, you can't do that. You have too many sites, or too many good names"?


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