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Username: Ferziger
Date/Time: Thu, October 26, 2000 at 7:10 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.61 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Needs of Law Schools and Legal Academia ignored


The .law proposal does not take into account the needs of law schools and legal academics in their system. Law schools, while able to get .edu addresses, cannot get such addresses outside of their named institutions. Academics wishing to set up portals, research resources and/or discussion areas for certain areas of the law (desirable portals for legal professionals as well) cannot get .edu addresses specifically for these - only addresses within their home institutions. The .law TLD should take this into account and policies should be in place for that TLD with regard to the needs of legal academia. I write this in my personal capacity as a concerned person, not in my capactiy as an employee of my institution.

Marsha J. Ferziger
Director of Special Projects and Lecturer in Law
University of Chicago Law School


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