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Username: SoCalLawyer
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 10:44 PM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V6.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .law application by dotlaw, Inc.


    This is an idea whose time has come.  As a former legal journalist and current practicing attorney, it is obvious to me that a clearinghouse for law related resources and internet links will be of great benefit to the legal community and others who interact with it. 
    Unfortunately, the field of law is becoming more and more specialized.  With specialization comes fragmentation.  That makes it more, rather then less, difficult to find resources, both for members of the public and the legal and business communities. 
    I believe the dotlaw, Inc. proposal will assist attorneys in locating needed resources like expert witnesses, court reporters, graphic artists, and courtroom technical services like video editing and document scanning and retrieval.  It will also, obviously, assist these same resources in finding clients.
    More signficantly, perhaps, it will enable members of the public to go to a central location to find a lawyer.  There is so much specialization in the practice of law, it is imperative that the public have a way of finding the right lawyer.  I often receive phone calls from clients or other attorneys looking for a certain type of attorney-specialist, but I am unable to assist because I don't know of anyone who practices in that field or geographic area.
    Finally, I think the proposal will assist lawyers in doing research that is often needed in the practice of law.  What I am talking about is not finding legal cases, for which there are already adequate resources, but rather finding research in certain fields that lawyers often come into contact with, like medicine, science, meteorology, and government.
    I enthusiastically support this proposal!



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