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RE: same string registered at 2nd level across different IDN gTLDs [RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]

  • To: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>, "Edmon Chung" <edmon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: same string registered at 2nd level across different IDN gTLDs [RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2009 17:46:32 -0500

Here's another example why I believe that clarification of the confusingly 
similar restrictions recommendation is needed: It was made very clear that the 
League of Arab States would like to apply for two gTLDs, .arab and . ي عرب
I think it is safe to conclude that these two TLDs are confusingly similar 
because the mean the same thing.  If the League of Arab States was the registry 
for both gTLDs, would the two strings cause user confusion?  I seriously doubt 
it.  Should the League of Arab States have to go to Extended Evaulation to 
establish that?  I certainly do not think so.


From: owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of 
Stéphane Van Gelder
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 7:29 AM
To: Edmon Chung
Cc: gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: same string registered at 2nd level across different IDN gTLDs 
[RE: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs]

I do get it, thanks Edmon. 

However, the latest, very graphical way in which you have laid it out in your 
email makes it even clearer. Thanks for going to that effort.


Le 2 déc. 2009 à 23:52, Edmon Chung a écrit :

Hi Avri,
It is really quite simple:
IF you have "ella.com"
THEN you can have "ella.<COM_in_other_language_also_operated_by_Verisign>"
You do NOT get a translation of "ella" in ".com"
Based on your example:
> I have ella.com
> would i get ella.Hebrew_TLD-of-dotcom ===> YES
> would i have אלה.com ===> NO
> or is that אללה.com ===> NO
> or maybe even אלילה.com ===> NO
(unless of course you registered them separately)
Because I am not sure what ".com" would be in different languages, I will turn 
back to my .asia example for the following explanation:
IF you have "ella.asia"
THEN you (and only you) can have 
ella.亚洲 ===(Asia in Chinese)
ella.アジア ===(Asia in Japanese)
ella.아시아 ===(Asia in Korean)
ella.เอเซีย ===(Asia in Thai)
ella.एशिया ===(Asia in Hindi)
IF you want "אלה.asia" it will be a different registration.  As you correctly 
pointed out, it is non-unique if you try translations.  Also an important point 
is that this is no different than what happens today, so there would be no user 
confusion (or as chuck corrected to say user confusion would be minimized... 
because it would provide a consistent experience)
אלה.asia == אללה.asia == אלילה.asia
Is a matter of the IDN Language policy for Hebrew under .ASIA (which in fact we 
are trying to develop right now for our launch and you are certainly welcome to 
provide suggestions :-)) when ".ASIA" launches Hebrew registrations.  IF they 
are to be considered the same by registration policies, it would be applied to 
all <.ASIA_in_different_langauge_also_operated_by_DotAsia>.  That is what we 
mean by offering the same string for registration only to the current 
PS. I am not sure others did not get it... at least I think Stephane got it... 
but I may be wrong...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of Avri Doria
> Sent: Thursday, December 3, 2009 4:53 AM
> To: gnso-idng@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [gnso-idng] rethinking IDN gTLDs
> On 2 Dec 2009, at 14:27, Gomes, Chuck wrote:
> > Avri,
> >
> > If I understand you correctly, your conclusion is not correct.  FCFS will 
> > only
> apply (for LDH or IDN) if the exact second-level domain is not already 
> registered
> as a second-level domain name in the applicable TLD (LDH or IDN).
> On 2 Dec 2009, at 15:14, Edmon Chung wrote:
> > Edmon: I think Avri you probably mistook the idea... I think what Chuck and
> > I were talking about is NOT about translation at the second level.  But
> > offering the same string to the same registrant under an IDN TLD.  More
> > specifically, for example, a registrant of "computer.asia" will be offered
> > "computer.???" (where "???" is "Asia" in Japanese), OR a registrant for
> > "???????.asia" (where "???????" means "Internet" in Japanese) will be
> > offered "???????.???".  There is no translation involved.
> >
> >>
> Pardon me, but i remain confused:
> concrete example/question
> (ps we beter develop a way of talking about this that is not confusing.  if 
> we who
> supposedl understand at least somewhat of what is going on can't communicate,
> opps, we have trouble.)
> I have ella.com and i might like to have it in Hebrew.
> would i get ella.Hebrew_TLD-of-dotcom
> or would i have אלה.com
> or is that אללה.com
> or maybe even אלילה.com
> (viable transliterations ad translations)
> If we are talking about a translation or transliteration then I remian 
> confused as to
> how one does it.  If you talking about just giving me the LDH with a IDN-tld, 
> ok, i
> understand.
> a.

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