< It makes absolutely no sense to let preregistrations
stand when speculators (or cybersquatters as some might call them) have already registered
such a large amount of generic domains. >>
So basically you are saying that a
binding contract between IANA/ICANN and IOD and the registrants should be tossed
to the wind, even though the buyers did not purchase anything illegal.Basically
you want to take the 2,000 .com domains away from Proctor & Gamble.
you have the nerve to pretend to know who is speculating and who intends to develop
en masse.
Basically, you have the nerve to wipe an ENTIRE database clean, because
you feel some people ARE speculating--thereby screwing EVERYONE in the database.
you have the nerve to call for a database wipe because of the existence of some speculators
even though speculating is not illegal.
Basically, you have the nerve to take domains
from people who you feel have "too many," even though there is no restriction on
Basically, you have the nerve to take domains from people who you feel
have "too many" GOOD domains.
Basically, you are slandering Marc Britain (no, I
am not he) and declaring him a speculator even though you can't peer into his heart.
you want to roguishly restructure the world--breaking rules and laws in the process--and
retroactively declare things illegal.
Basically, your concept of a New World
Order makes me sick.