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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 4:46 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Thanks "BrianC" for proving my point........By the way what does "BrianC" stand for...


   BrianC whomever you are, thanks for the link to show what CORE is supposed to do. I took the liberty to cut and paste from the following link:

   CORE is a non-profit membership association of domain names registrars founded as result of a plan initiated by the Internet Society (ISOC) and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) in Fall 1996 to add new structure, free enterprise and competition to the Internet Domain Name System (DNS) when the monopoly on .com, .org and .net was to end in 1998. The plan was worked out by an ad hoc working group called the IAHC and formalised as the socalled "Generic Top-Level Domains Memorandum of Understanding" (gTLD-MoU) for which the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) acted as the depository.


Question:  Does CORE's joining the Afilia's consortium sound like they are carrying out CORE's mission....A bit of advice for your "BrianC"....don't try to obfuscate the facts by trying to explain simple economic terms of how profit is only lessens your creditability (Since you attacked mine earlier)....I really think in the spirit of true debate we need to argue fact...and they are (and if you can refute them using a real name and whom your associated with):

1) CORE has crossed the line (in my opinion)..They themselves have not responded to my call...Unless your from CORE..however I cannont tell because you list yourself as BrianC....
2) I believe CORE as a NONPROFIT by itself could apply for a TLD like .NOM, however I feel strongly otherwise when it involves joining a FOR PROFIT consortium.  See sir, it is the very purposes of the IRS laws that make a clear distinction what a NONPROFIT can do so that they do not subvert paying particular taxes...
3) I believe CORE's creditability is strongly diminished since Ken Stubbs has (I think) perverted his position in the DNSO..He may feel otherwise, but clearly making a ruling (favoring new TLD's as the DNSO did) and sending that recommendation to ICANN has to be done in a pure way...The bottom line is will Mr. Stubbs benefit personally and the companies he represents...I leave you with that thought...remember if you are to challenge my argument...please use your name and location...

Greg Krajewski (my real name)
South Dakota - United States


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