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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Mon, October 16, 2000 at 11:46 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: CORE Can join's what they do with the money...does it back their NP mission


      I don't disagree with brian on whether CORE can join's what they do with the money onced it's earned...I think if you go back to my previous post they must take their profit and put it towards their "cause" this case as of 1997 (according to their website) they want to further competition in the name-space...My argument is that by joining Afilias, the money they earn, will they try and further their cause...I don't see how they could when Afilias basically will be a sanctioned monopoly if approved.  Nonetheless I was informed most graciously above from "nike" that CORE is based conveniently out of Switzerland...So the answer whether CORE is still a NP is up to ICANN...(For accreditation purposes, i think it's important that if a company is going to be a non-profit, and afiliated with ICANN, they should be held accountable...however this is a global economy which by all rights A company can go to barbados for all we know, and not have to abide by NP laws (if they wanted to be a NP that is)....I really think this is an important issue for ICANN---and that is why I bring it up)

Thanks for your comments though....good day

Gregory W. Krajewski


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