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Username: Gregory W. Krajewski
Date/Time: Mon, October 16, 2000 at 12:47 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: I disagree, respectfully


  When you say, LLC, of course your referring to a Limited Liability Corporation...The same as a Non-Profit??  I have done some research on Non-Profit organizations...They (the IRS) does not encourage this type of affiliation (as with the Afilia's AFFILIATION with CORE--No pun intended--Pun=Humor)...Granted they can do's a free country....but I can bet they will "cook" the "books" (metaphorically speaking) on what they do with their profits (or their projected profits)...If they don't take the profits and put it towards their cause (read my prior posting) then we have an issue:  THAT IS MY ARGUMENT SIR...So if you think CORE being involved with Afilia's is o.k...that is fine.....By the way...thanks for posting your name...This does lend some "credibility" to your argument...however I hope those that read mine, will see my point...Thank you.

Greg Krajewski


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