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Username: tn
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 10:02 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Score: 5
Subject: just a fad ?


    People here keep mentioning the "Global Scale" . The arqument is that young people outside America will not know what .COOL means.
Well naturally  .COOl and TLDs in general are targeted for countries which use the Internet. Let me assure you that in those countires teens and young adults, have already absorbed much of the American culture. Not only do teens in those countries know what "cool" means they can probably recite the lyrics of the latest American RAP songs, lines from the latest American movies etc.

   If a country is advanced enough to use the Internet it has been hit with American culture already.
   The arqument that teens grow up and will no longer need a .cool domain doesn't hold either. Simply because the fact that when people get older othersare born. When young people get older leave college get a job etc. others will enter their teens , enter college , and take over the .COOL domains.

   If .COOL is a fad the same can be said about , .kids (kids grow up ) .biz (businesses go bankrupt) .movie ( movies get old and outdated) etc.



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