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Username: DaveBusiness
Date/Time: Wed, October 18, 2000 at 5:50 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Maybe We Read This Differently


      Here are what I see are the flaws in your argument.  First, you are quoting an Afilias press release.  If you have read even a couple of the applications for tld's, you will see that almost every one of them has a different set of "statisitics" on Internet and domain name useage.

Second, even if you were to agree with the data in the press release, it says nothig about the fact that these 55% will be registering their EXISTING names again, or even in which TLD, just that they plan on registering more.  I think it is as equaly a "leap" to say that these 55% will all register their exact name in the .shop tld, as it might be to say that none of them will.

My presumption is that in the restricted tld's such as .shop or .sex or .health, etc., that existing companies will apply for the new ones which fit. I do not believe that "" will apply for a ".shop" name, or that "" will do so either.  There are simply a great many sites which can not and should not, and presumably will not apply for a .shop.

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