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Username: ipguy
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 12:49 AM GMT (Thu, November 2, 2000 at 4:49 PM PST)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Good point!


  I have notice that most of the the people who have posted on these forums have ignored your opinion which I feel is extremely distrubing.  The decisions that are made in this process are going to affect the future of the internet for a long time.(At least until a new naming system replaces the current naming system)  Hence these decisions shouldn't be made without some thought.
  One of the big reasons that I think that there are other like myself and Pistoff is because most of the people who have posted have been a lot of people who have a financial stake in these decisions.  The number of posts I see from individuals who have really put down a rationale why this TLD proposal should be approved are very rare.  That isn't just true on the comment on this particular applications.  It applies to all the TLD apps.  If the ICANN can't get in some more people that are outsiders to the process and have some good reasoning on which TLDs should be approved then this whole comment board is going have a very narrow view on the issues involved and thus the board won't make a very informed decision.


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