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Username: JosephMathew
Date/Time: Thu, October 26, 2000 at 4:35 PM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .i for the masses.


Dear Sir/Madam,

    Finally, someone has thought about a brilliant way of bringing the Internet to the people.  The .i proposals looks like a winner, that has the average joe in mind more than anything else. 

    Internet has evolved to the extent that it has become quite difficult for interent users to tap the full potential of it.   Many opportunities are missed due to information overload.  Whereas, aggregating all information that a person needs and chooses under his or her domain name and create services to optimize that will reduce the clutter on the net and bring some focus.  We are glad to see .i proposal of Sarnoff Corporation is geared towards that.

Not that we suspect the ability of Sarnoff Corporation to deliver on the promise, considering all their technological brekthroughs, but it would be nice, if they were to include non-profit internet organizations such as ours in the process to effectively guide implementaton of such technologies so that the full potential of the web can be channelled in the most effective way.  The reason for this suggestion is that internet as it stands today will need to grow collaboratively rather than in compartmentalized manner,in this increasingly globalized economy.

We do hope that ICANN will decide to award a .i TLD to Sarnoff Corportion, which stands out with much better scope for the people. 




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