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Username: manishie
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 5:04 PM GMT
Browser: Konqueror/2.0 using X11
Score: 5
Subject: .i proposal


Hi.  I'm an MBA student at Columbia Business School.  I've been watching with interest the exercise of expanding the top level domain space for some time.
In this respect, I have studied the proposals submitted by various
interested parties. Analysis shows that domain name space for
individuals is gaining priority.  Many reasons came up in support of this
analysis, but the major ones are aggregation utility, a permanent address
for life, portability, and global access.

Having free domain names will help a large number of internet users, such as the student population from school to college level, as well as helpingd eveloping countries.

I support the .i proposal of Sarnoff corporation.

Manish Mukherjee,
MBA Candidate, Columbia Business School, NY


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