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Username: jpolaski
Date/Time: Fri, October 27, 2000 at 4:28 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: What's  wrong with single-character TLDs?


        Hi!  What is wrong with a single character TLD?  As far as I know, ICANN has reserved single-character TLDs for future expansion of the domain name space; I am not sure when that will happen :) 

Mike, from a programming angle, are there any technical issues to a single character TLD?  I think .i is great and has a nice ring to it :)

I read through the proposal's TLD policies section and like their justification for requesting a single-character TLD.  In particular, the fact that .i does not have any meaning attached to it in any language gives it a universal appeal. I also noticed that Sarnoff has proposed some others such as .one and .iii

I like the concept overall and will certainly be a user.

Jason Polaski


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