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Username: vpincus
Date/Time: Mon, October 30, 2000 at 3:02 PM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .i single digit tld


      With due respect Mike, I feel keeping them single has some great advantage.  One, save a few key stroke(add all those saved keystrokes for a year and see the how many books you would have written).  I couldn't be happier when they eliminated the need for www on this end as a prequisite for many web sites.  Now on the other end a reduction! Less is more sometimes.  Besides, .i for individuals and internet - perfect together. I love it. 

Don't forget, this tld is targetting individuals and more easy you make it and the less confusing it is for them to use the internet, the better for all parties involved.  Actually, I hope ICANN will grab this opportunity created by this proposal to serve the common people and use it as a stepping stone to bring them to the fold.



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