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Username: jtrade
Date/Time: Wed, November 1, 2000 at 2:19 AM GMT
Browser: AOL Browser V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .Web,MelbourneIT/Neustar,ICANN Director Greg Crew and Conflict of Interest?


      Here is a strong case for another situation of Conflict of Interest. Grew Crew who is on the Board of Directors of ICANN who will be voting on the new tld applications is also employed by MelbourneIT who we all know is part of the Neustar bid for .web I find this situation to be worse that the controversy surrounding Ken Stubbs.

Now some of you may say that he will be stepping down, true however that will not happen until AFTER the vote!!

Melbourne IT, 07/09/00 by Melbourne IT

(7 September 2000, Melbourne, Australia) Melbourne IT (ASX: MLB) and Ericsson Australia Pty Ltd today announced they have signed a Shareholders’ Agreement to create a joint venture company to develop mobile internet and secure mobile eCommerce applications.

The new joint venture builds on the current group of 70 software engineers which has operated as ASAC (Advanced Services Application Centre) for over five years. ASAC is an unincorporated venture between the two organisations, based in Melbourne, that won the status of an Ericsson Global Design Centre in 1996. With the anticipated development of the business, this group is expected to grow to more than 200 by 2003.

Managing Director of Ericsson Australia, Mr Karl Sundstrom, said that the ASAC team had already demonstrated world class capabilities in bringing new software intensive products quickly to market, such as Smart Message Services, Intelligent Network products, Televoting and early Wireless Application Protocol applications.

“The new JV reflects Ericsson’s business strategy of developing close alliances with trusted partners around the world, who can bring complementary competences into our diverse production capability. Melbourne IT not only is a respected technology player in the global Internet domain registration market, its international channel partner network provides a window into eCommerce that complements Ericsson’s extensive worldwide customer network,” Mr Sundstrom said.

CEO of Melbourne IT, Professor Peter Gerrand said “The further development of WAP enabled technologies and secure eCommerce products provides the joint venture with an outstanding opportunity to position Australian technology on a global scale.”

“Melbourne IT will hold 50% equity in the joint venture, which will give us equity participation in many new secure mobile eCommerce applications that can be sold via Ericsson’s and Melbourne IT’s respective distribution networks,” Professor Gerrand added.

Gerrand and Sundstrom said they were delighted that Mr Greg Crew had accepted their invitation to act as independent Chairman of the new JV. Mr Crew is Vice-Chair of Internet governing body ICANN, a director of ERG and Chairman of the Australian Telecommunications Education Centre in South Australia. The designated CEO of the JV will be Mr Tom Dangthanh, formerly Technical Director and a co-founder of Melbourne IT.

Mr Sundstrom highlighted the synergies that exist between the two companies in forming the joint venture. “Even though Ericsson is already Australia’s largest private investor in research and development in this area, this strategic alliance with Melbourne IT will significantly accelerate our development programs here in Australia and bring ‘anywhere, anytime access’ to Australians much sooner.”

“We are both committed to lowering the barriers to e-commerce for Australian businesses, removing any perceived risks that slow adoption and disadvantage us in the global marketplace.”

“Importantly, we will be able to distribute and sell the third generation products that evolve from this through our own telecommunication carrier customers and mobile resellers, as well the Melbourne IT’s extensive Internet distribution networks,” Mr Sundstrom said.

It is expected the joint venture Company will formally commence operations in January 2001. The company will be based in Melbourne, have a capital underwriting of $10M and will initially employ 70 to 100 staff.

Professor Gerrand said that “This announcement confirms the revitalising and growth of the ASAC line of business that was foreshadowed in the Melbourne IT prospectus, the company’s Annual Report in May, and at the recent delivery of half-year results.

How can this process possibly be fair?
I hope I am wrong however it is painfully obvious that something is amiss



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