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Username: JW Park
Date/Time: Fri, October 27, 2000 at 8:08 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Comment from South Korea



I am writing from Republic of South Korea.  My background as business executive includes leadership positions in many international communications businesses.  I have done business with several people involved in the Pulver/Peek/Marschel ".tel" application in the past and I read the "Competition At Risk" posting with great interest.  From a US perspective, the "" concept of giving significant control of this important Internet resource to PSTN regulatory bodies might make sense.  The US market and US regulatory bodies like FCC have excellent "pro-competition" reputations.  Outside of the US the situation is often quite different.  In many countries there is no competition for domestic PTT's.  This new IP-Communications industry can generate real competition all over the world if it is allowed to grow.  I think ".tel" makes valid points and I see how this can create important competition for "" solution on a global basis if ICANN chooses to validate the ".tel" option.   

I thank you in advance for giving this idea consideration.  


Park, Jung woong
Republic of South Korea


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