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Username: MSisson
Date/Time: Mon, November 6, 2000 at 12:04 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Let's go forward


      OK I’m a hard nosed internet person who wants real progress with the way the DNS is exploited. What a great sight the .tel top level domain is. It’s obvious when you sit down and think. I've spent several long evenings reading all the .tel applications and I'm more than a little dazed why certain applicants are taking a retrogressive view by following the dead end PSTN option ! Are these guys internet people or telcos? Have they not realized where the internet is heading, and why the DNS is so powerful?

Of the 3 in the .tel ring Telnic puts forward the best options and ideas that will operate this top level space in a way that will take this part of the internet and new horizon communications to places where lots of folk will be able to think of and make some amazing applications – include myself in that.

I don't think it is in the internets’ interest to embrace the telecommunications world of PSTN, or even let them near the reins of domain name addressing.


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