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Username: NetNumber
Date/Time: Wed, November 1, 2000 at 5:45 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Additional ENUM Thoughts


The comment about the power of the IETF-ENUM standard is right on target.  I'd like to further clarify that the Pulver/Peek/Marschel ".tel" application is the only TLD application dealing with telephone numbers that is ENUM compliant.  The other telephone number based TLD's (other ".tel" applications, ".one", etc.) don't even mention the IETF-ENUM standard in their applications because they are trying to solve a different problem.  (See the "Competition at Risk" posting for more detail on ".tel" versus "")

The mapping of telephone numbers to Internet addresses is a core requirement for the emerging Internet-Telephony industry.   The Pulver/Peek/Marschel ".tel" application is the only TLD application that is positioned to create effective competition for the "" implementation of the ENUM standard.

All of the ".tel" applications are not created equal.  Don't miss this opportunity to create competition within the DNS and to advance the growth of the emerging Internet-Telephony industry on a global basis.  

Douglas Ranalli
Founder & Chief Strategy Officer


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