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Username: perignon
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 9:07 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Power Of The ENUM Standard


I've enjoyed learning about the implementation differences between ".tel" and "" in the emerging Internet-Telephony directory space.  One issues I've found particularly interesting is that both the Pulver/Peek/Marschel ".tel" TLD application and the "" implementation are based on the same IETF technical standard, namely ENUM.  The power of a common technical standard in this situation is enormous.  Since both implementations are based on the same standard, technology vendors can build and deploy ENUM compliant IP-Communications systems which will allow customers to select the TLD implementation (".tel" or "") that best meets their needs without requiring an underlying technology change. 

The adoption of the ENUM standard in this case is an absolute requirement for creating effective competition.  Imagine what would happen if the two solutions did not both adhere to the same standard.  Vendors would be forced to build two version of the same product to enable competition to work.  From my experience in working with equipment vendors this simply would not happen.  Vendors can't afford the complexity associated with supporting two different technical solutions.   

Competition will work to everyone's benefit in this case (vendors, customers and end-users) thanks to the adoption of the common ENUM technical standard
Henri de Perignon
Fonde de Pouvoirs
Lazard Freres     


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