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Username: korskarn
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 3:36 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Yawn, not another!

Message: is pulling the same stunt as, by creating new TLD's that bypass ICANN you can only access the new TLD's by getting your browser to talk to their server and not your ISP's. It's a bit like being able to have a completely new type of postal address if your prepared to use a difference post service!

The problem is that your average joe soap isn't going to go changing complex browser settings in order to get these new sites and non-computer systems wont have the ability at all.

Just because has been 'registering' .biz addresses for some time does not mean they should automatically own the .biz domain. If I was to open my own patents office and take applications for patents does that make patents registered with me defendable in court, I THINK NOT!

If more companies start setting up there own ip resolving servers we will end up with thousands of TLDS each with multiple meaning making it even harder to find the website that you want.

If this is the way you want the internet to go.. fine. In that case i'll setup my own name server's for the uk and charge £30 per domain, anybody interested in .england .wales .scotland and .ulster?

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