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Username: jandl
Date/Time: Sun, October 15, 2000 at 11:39 PM GMT (Sun, October 15, 2000 at 7:39 PM EDT)
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Let's understand the subject before making nonsensical comments


      First, does not register names, but does have links to registries which resolve to the ORSC rootzone.
      Second, is an informational site in support of the ORSC rootzone.
      Third, the ORSC rootzone has been around for many years and the TLD's mentioned are, for the most part, as old, if not older, than .WEB.
      Fourth, .WEB is in the ORSC rootzone now, as are all the ICANN TLD's and ccTLDs.
      Fifth, ORSC is one of a handful of other rootzones, is stable, reliable and is maintained by some of the internet pioneers.
      Sixth.  There is nothing complex about pointing to any other root servers you choose.  The ones you are probably using are those your ISP told you to point to.  Every time you set up to use an ISP, you change your settings.  Ain't no biggie.
       Name.Space is quit different from the ORSC rootzone and does not recognize anyone else.  It stands alone.  ORSC cooperates with others and recognizes "first or prior use."  Name.Space does not, obviously.
      And finally, perhaps reading a bit about it would have made your post a bit different. :)

Everyone is entitled to an opinion regarding cooperating root systems (or alternate roots if you prefer), but it is usually best to gain some knowledge before making negative comments.

Leah Gallegos


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