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Username: slassre
Date/Time: Mon, October 16, 2000 at 7:07 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: not a good combination


      Hello to you at ICM Registry,

There is no way that pornographic material and children should be connected at all.  By viewing what I have of your application I can see that you look to fund the children safe zone by creating a pornographic one.  It also appears that in an effort to create places safe for kids that you suggest we create a place not for kids.  How will children then not be allowed to view this unsafe space.  How will this answer the dilemma of child-safe space.  All it seems we are doing is creating more of the non-desired pornography space under the influence that all "adult" website operators will go there. 

What makes you think that Tradmarked Companies will want to obtain this adult space other than keeping it out of the hands of people who wish to capitalize on these same companies good names. 

While I am all for the seperation of Children and Pornography I cannot see your solution as an answer.

Steven Lassre


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