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Username: john.carr
Date/Time: Fri, October 27, 2000 at 9:03 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .kids tld - general observation


              The idea of a .kids domain is very strongly supported. However I think it is essential that whomsoever is given custodianship of the .kids tld should be able to demonstrate a clear connection with and understanding of children, child welfare and child development. If the .kids domain were to become simply a means of marketing more efficiently to children it would be a major abuse. Thus, in relation to this set of applications, any configuration of interests in which commercial interests predominate, or where clear, independent children's interest groups are not given a major voice and role, would be unacceptable.
Similarly I think it is essential that children's interest organizations other than ones based in the USA are fully integrated into whatever new arrangements might emerge.

If the above criteria cannot be met this time then a decision should be delayed for 12 months while futher consultations take place, perhaps using recognised children's groups as the agents to organize them.

John Carr
Internet Adviser
NCH, London, England



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