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Username: Hendeles
Date/Time: Mon, October 16, 2000 at 9:42 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: ICM REGISTRY RESPONSE - Our proposal is to improve the Internet



I appreciate you taking the time to comment on our proposal.  Our application is currently posted on our website at  I am confident that once you have a chance to review it you will have a clearer perspective on our submission.

Enclosed are my responses to individual comments and concerns you have raised.

Nick Moraitis:   "It is undoutedly true that it is in the interests of this industry to indeed *promote* their product to younger people, or at least create an awareness of it's existence. As with any industry, young people are the future 'adult' consumers. Will .kids just be an online incarnation of Joe Camel?" 

ICM Registry:   ICM Registry's proposal was created to protect children from adult-oriented content.  The metaphore presented above suggests that we're somehow involved in the distribution of adult-oriented content and that '.KIDS' might be used to *promote* adult-oriented content.  I’m not sure how you drew this analogy, but the assertion is baseless and unfounded. 

Nick Moraitis:   “Are people whose primary financial backers the sex entertainment industry appropriate people and significantly independent enough, to lead the way with such an emotionally charged issue as Internet filtering, determining what is right and what is wrong (morally) for young people to see?" 

ICM Registry:   Our founders are not now, nor have they ever been involved in the adult content industry.  Our founders have strong relationships with a wide variety of non-profit and charity organizations.  ICM Registry has proposed that a significant proportion of its revenue go to a non-profit charity with the intent of protecting and educating children and parents online. ICM Registry is however continuing to actively solicit the support and participation of the adult content industry, because I believe it is the only way to create an effective solution to the adult-content management problem.

With respect to your comment about who should determine Internet filtering policy, I need to summarize the nature of our proposal...  ICM Registry is proposing to create a voluntary (NOT-MANDATORY) red-light district and a green-light district, similar to the concept of a 'Rated G' and 'Rated X' movie.  These zones will contain specialized content...similar to ".edu" only being a space for educational related domain names.  The purpose of this activity is to categorize content, not segregate it. 

Our proposal does not propose that we directly develop domain registration policy.  We have created the framework for a policy advisory board which will make these decisions fairly through a consensus driven policy approach similar to ICANN’s. 

Nick...while I can appreciate you coming to some of the conclusions above prior to ICANN posting our applications, I think you will be pleased with the direction of our proposal once you have a chance to review it.  It is currently posted at our website which can be found at  Remember that our solution is the first step of a strategy intended to effectively manage Internet content.  Once you have had a chance to review our proposal, I would really appreciate any constructive comments or recommendations you could make to help us enhance our proposal and realize our goal.


Jason Hendeles



Link: The intent and direction of our proposal is to enhance the Internet

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