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Username: mpalage
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 6:45 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Read the Proposal


Dear Linda,

I suggest you read the proposal. In it you will find that ICM Registry calls for the creation of a separate non-profit entity to run the .KIDS registry or to work in conjunction with another green-space operator to fund education and R&D. While you are at it, you might want to read the other .KIDS proposal. Two of which are unchartered (NO RESTRICTIONS), i.e. The North America Men Boy Lover Association (NAMBA) could register

As the Interim Policy Officer for ICM Registry I have spent the last eight to twelve months navigating this political mindfield. I have attended the last two COPA Commmission hearings in DC and have been involved with safeguarding children online since the early to mid 90s. I am always glad to discuss the legal and technical aspects of this issue, I only ask that you read the policy document first. In fact from a policy stand point, the IPC rated ICM Registry the highest out of all 44 applications received by ICANN, tied with three other proposals with 4 Good ratings and 1 Satisfactory.

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