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Username: Phil Browning
Date/Time: Thu, November 2, 2000 at 12:00 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Reply to Julie


Dear Julie
Your post regarding .tv is interesting. I see what Bob was suggesting as well. I must admit that I am a fan of .tv the company. I had'nt hurd about these guys a few months back and suddenly they're all over the place and Tuvalu is a member of the UN because of them. It makes a heart warming story...... $50 MILLION is  a lot of money...and Tuvalu seems to be very appreciative of their relationship with idealab.
About the pricing and sales question that you brought up. I cannot be sure of this but it seems clear to me that these guys have been able to sell a few words for more than their normal $50 price. So matching their sales and revenue is going to take more than a straight line
method. I'm sure they have an audit firm. Its really the job of the audit firm to flag such an issue.
I read their application and quite liked their proposal. Their consortium seems solid. Companies like Singapore Telecom and Lycos
scrutinize their partners for sure.
I like the .tv application. I think they should be awarded the gTLD.

Phil Browning

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