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Username: julie
Date/Time: Sun, November 5, 2000 at 6:36 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Homework



You state, and I quote:

"If you believe the facts presented in dozens of press releases that I for one have read on a regular basis, Tuvalu's stake in .tv is GREATER THAN THAT OF MANAGEMENT'S."

I'm sorry to say that I do not believe "FACTS" which are presented in press releases. In fact I don't know anyone who still does.

You Then urged me to, and I quote:
"Please educate yourself or stop perpetuating the spread of idiotic, ill-founded, un-well-thought-out conjectures that have absolutely no basis in reality."

At your request I "Educated" myself. Now I will "Educate" you.
According to the DOT NOM / PRO Applications (in Which I admit "FACTS" are also suspect) the "STAKES" in DOT TV are as follows:

% of Total

Idealab! Holdings, LLC

The Government of Tuvalu
14.92% InfoTouch Corporation

Management (includes uncommitted options)


The numbers speak for themselves. But in case you have trouble understanding them Managements Stake is 25.14% Tuvulas is 14.92%. Not taking into account the fact that Idealabs Stake of 48.49% also includes management.

In the future please take your own advice, and....

"Please educate yourself or stop perpetuating the spread of idiotic, ill-founded, un-well-thought-out conjectures that have absolutely no basis in reality."


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