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Username: momof2
Date/Time: Mon, October 16, 2000 at 6:31 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.7 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: No Way Mr. Howe


                                I am a single mother of 2 children and have read the
application presented by Mr. Howe.  I would be very
afraid if he was to receive the .kids extension.

I say that becuase he is applying for a restricted
extension. They are stating that they will use the COPPA
law as a base for the foundation in which they screen
material for the Internet.  Maybe Mr. Howe needs to pick
up a news paper becuase COPPA has been caught in the
Legal system for quite a long time and has yet to see the
light of day.

He also states.
" registrants must consent to an annual audit by an unpartisan Policy Board that will ensure they are continually providing child-safe content and products on their sites."

How is this board going to review 1000's of web sites everyday and every year?  Who is going to pay for that?
I do not know who Mr. Howe is from Adam and I certianly do not want
to have him or his "board" deciding what is safe for my children on the internet.  There beliefes may not be mine and who are they to play the Internet God for all the children of the world?   This extension must be unrestricted or it will surley die and thus our kids will remain at risk.

What also bothers me is the "Glamour list" of 1000 to 2000 names that will be auctioned off.  If I have a legitimate trademark to one of those names listed on that "glamour list" I should not have to bid for it.  Why should I have to possibly lose my legal right to my trademark
name becuase I may not be able to afford the highest .kids bid.  It is completely unfair.

This application infurates me as a parent and as a business woman.

Restricting .kids is saying that Mr. Howe knows better than I on what is good and safe for my kids on the Internet.

I am completely behind ICANN in selecting .kids as an extension.  It would be very sad to see Mr. Howe and his unthought out plan get the
privledge of being the registry.

I do belive that an unrestricted .kids extension will have to decide on how to assist the Internet Communuty's on keeping adult material away from kids.  Restricting the name is not the answer.



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