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Username: readersvp
Date/Time: Thu, November 2, 2000 at 8:28 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: This plan is ready to work.


      I like this proposal.  I have read the other's proposals and think that this one is ready to go into action.  I have also read the comments proposing likes and dislikes for all of the .kids applications.  This application is the only one that looks to define rules for website owners to agree to and be held financially accountable.  It seems like the other proposals want as many people to register as possible and they will classify all of the websites.  I like the idea of having a greenspace where every owner of his/her website is accountable and "IF" the rules are broken we can take action.  This seems like "We" (Parents) have a chance to give our children good direction and we have a partner helping us. 

Give .KIDS Domains, Inc. the approval it seeks.

Thomas Lawrence


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