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Username: Cindy
Date/Time: Thu, November 2, 2000 at 9:18 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: .kids by .Kids Domains, Inc is the BEST!


      As a mother of 2 teenage girls I know they are ready and in favor of .kids by.Kids Domains, Inc.  They use the internet all the time for school & pleasure and this way as a parent I don't have to worry about what they might come on.  This is definitely a choice not a way to stifle free speach.  When my girls become of age and are one their own they are free to chose what they want to do on the internet but this way when they are under my care I can chose.  This is not censorship because of that choice.  Please approve .kids by .KIDS Domains, Inc.  It is the BEST.


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