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Username: mystwoman
Date/Time: Fri, November 3, 2000 at 2:48 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: .kids limits only the world of voluntary users, that's the beauty of it!


      Please acknowledge that you understand that only those who exercise use of such sites on this domain as controlled by parents (or other, see below) delimit their horizons as far as it's TLD-subscripted holders extend when such controls are set by an adult or network admin or other authorized administrator for that system. All other adult and otherwise unlimited users are not proscribed in any way from what they do or where they visit, buy, shop, learn, discover, or peruse, be it on sites that include this TLD or no.

I must say, even tho I am 33 with no kids I MYSELF would like to surf a while and prowl my inbox without garish popups screens and banners advertising things I am not interested in, let alone the endless bulk mail, xxx nonsense that appears regularly unsolicited and unstoppable. If restricted .kids mean email addresses with no or little possibility of this waste of my bytes, all ahead full!

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