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Username: Ivo
Date/Time: Mon, October 30, 2000 at 1:52 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.74 using Windows 95
Score: 5
Subject: Yes to Name Space: common sense, democracy, free market


      There are three reasons why there should be as many TLD-s as there are words in the English language: common sense, democracy and the free market economy. One organization contracted by one government to closely guard five or so three letter abbreviations that apply to million of virtual locations established for thousands of different reasons in hundreds of countries clearly violates both the rule of the free expression, sacred to the Constitution of this country, and the principles of the free market economy that should allow that all letter combinations can compete for the same share of the market. Of course, the defense - of the greedy corporation that jealously guards its monopoly, and the government that contracted it to do this job, that arrogantly protects its digital supremacy - is that their violating of free expression and market principles is neccessary due to the technical non-viability of the Name Space and similar organization's proposals. That defense proved wrong in light of recent admissions of new TLD-s. It also does not make sense - it is like forcing the entire world to have the same five area codes for telephone connections.

Ivo Skoric 


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