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Username: Malcolm Corbett
Date/Time: Tue, October 17, 2000 at 3:38 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Message of Support from UK Co-operative Union


From: Pauline Green, Chief Executive & General Secretary

I am writing in support of the registration of the domain .co-op TLD.
The Co-operative Movement is the largest non governmental organisation in the world with the Co-operative sectors active in the economy in over 90 countries.

Co-ops are a unique form of business governed by 7 principles laid down by the International Co-operative Alliance, in particular, the principles of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.  Co-operative businesses take as their trading ethos the traditional principles of our founders, those of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.

Given the strength and size of the co-operative sector globally, the .co-op domain name would enable co-operatives to easily seek out other co-operatives, and would unquestionably lead to significant registration under that domain name.

The co-operative community globally is significant not only because of the strength of its trading muscle, but because it also represents something like 760 million individuals world-wide taking part in co-operative or mutual activities of one form or another.

The United Nations estimated in 1994, that something like 3 billion people - half the world's population, depend, to some degree, on co-operatives for their livelihoods.

The Co-operative Movement in the UK alone, represents some £16 billion annually to the British economy.  We believe that our proven track record in helping to raise the standards of living and providing more options for deprived or remote communities.  We offer a resource like no other.  A .co-op TLD would help co-operatives reach a greater number of people thereby helping people to help themselves - a rare quality in today's global market.

Pauline Green
Chief Executive & General Secretary
Co-operative Union
Holyoake House
Hanover Street
M60 0AS


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