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Username: ICA Housing
Date/Time: Tue, October 31, 2000 at 9:53 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.7 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: ICA Housing support .co-op tld


        I am writing in my capacity of Chair of ICA Housing to support the proposal for .co-op tld.  ICA Housing promotes development of co-operative housing in all countries, and in particular developing countries, as an economic and social contribution to the problem of providing shelter. It comprises 42 national co-operative organisations in the housing sector from 31 countries.

Housing co-ops not only provide access to affordable and quality housing and security of tenure, but also contribute to promoting safe and secure communities and participation in community development programmes so as to build a sense of belonging - a community. They have been known to build awareness on serious social problems such as racism, violence against women and address the issues of housing for the aged and for young children. 

A .co-op tld would allow potential members of housing co-ops to identify alternative housing options which are based on democracy, respect of human rights, and openness. Restricting the .co-op tld would ensure that consumers would have access to accurate information on the type of housing arrangement they have chosen.

ICA Housing fully support the proposal for .co-op top domain name.       

Jens Heiser
Chair, ICA Housing


Link: ICA Housing

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