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Username: Cathy
Date/Time: Thu, October 26, 2000 at 1:35 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.7 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: There is a need for .co-op identity


I strongly support the proposal to create a .co-op top level domain name. DCEC provides electric service to over 4400 rural members. While this may not sound like much standing alone, globally there exists over 700 million members of cooperatives of some sort, providing their members with a choice in schooling, finance, insurance, utility services…and the list goes on. Co-ops deserve this distinction, and consumers need to know that there is a difference in the way we serve our member needs and the needs of the communities we cover.

We are confident that the .co-op internet suffix will help to strengthen the cooperative identities, give more folks an opportunity to see what additional choices are available to them, (as opposed to investor-owned enterprises,) and allow them to see first-hand how the non-profit "cooperative way"  works. The .co-op identity will also help the co-ops worldwide to find other sources of business needs that they can trust in the busy global e-commerce www.

We hope that ICANN will see the need and approve the .co-op identity domain.

Catherine Van Mater
Delaware County Electric Cooperative, Inc


Link: Visit our website...

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