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Username: TheWebster2
Date/Time: Mon, October 16, 2000 at 4:38 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Additional Remark


Based on what I have read, I don't believe customer service will improve much even if Afilias adds employees.

Those that spout the advantages of the technical aspects of the Afilias proposal haven't yet addressed the issue of corporate values.  They tend to believe that fixed assets make a company.  In my opinion, that is only part of the equation.  People are also assets to a company, and if the corporate values are lacking, then all the equipment in the world will not make a company successful.  That is why so much attention has been aimed at NSI.  Many of us are of the impression that NSI's corporate values will carry over into Afilias.  Sure, we can boil the application down to ownership interests and board seat, but we all know that NSI is an 800-pound gorrilla with an extreme amount of influence and the financing to back it up.

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