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Username: first1
Date/Time: Sat, October 14, 2000 at 5:06 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: IOD the .web pioneer


Image Online Design is ready to go online with their registry. This is a solid company dedicated to technology and customer service. Having been an active registry since 1996, I believe IOD is the clear choice to administer the .web gTLD.

.web is a clear winner for true global competition in the .com world. .biz, .shop, .info and others are all spacific to certain occupation or service. The .WEB is to most people the internet, it flows naturally when speaking or reading, is easy to remember and will be the most popular gTLD introduced.

ICANN I urge you to make the right decision! "IOD and .web"

Please Don't allow your "non profit" organization to be purchased by AFILIAS a monopoly who already cheated ICANN out of $950,000.00 NINE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in application fees (Almost a Million dollars!) The conflict of interest of Ken Stubbs chairman of ICANN names council and member of CORE and part owner of AFILIAS. KEN HAS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS AT STAKE TO INFLUENCE A VOTE FOR AFILIAS!!!!! EVEN IF KEN STEPPED DOWN TODAY AND REMOVED HIMSELF FROM THE NAMES COUNCIL, THE DAMAGE IS DONE. ALLEGATIONS OF CORRUPTION ARE UNAVOIDABLE IF AFILIAS IS CHOSEN.


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