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Username: ALLDNS
Date/Time: Fri, October 20, 2000 at 12:56 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.74 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: ICANN - Opportunity to require enforcement of policy


This New TLD Application process may be the opportunity for ICANN to reign in those ICANN Accredited Registrars who appear to not be following the ethical standards, general policy or direction of ICANN.

On one hand, ICANN has denied or challenged Registrar Accreditation Applications based upon the known business practices of applicants. 

On the other hand, ICANN has appeared selective, or toothless, in preventing certain ICANN Accredited Registrars' from engaging in business practices the Registrar knows ICANN finds unethical or against the general policy or direction of ICANN policy.          
ICANN has challenged Registrar Accreditation applicants that appear to have engaged in far less volitive activity than certain of some of the New TLD applicants.

There should be no double standard here and ICANN should not appear selective or toothless.  New TLD applicants should be held strictly accountable for their established volitive business practices and for their apparent blatant nose-thumbing at ICANN and ICANN policy and direction. 

A New TLD applicant or organization should not be rewarded if it is clear that its manner of operation can established volitive business practices that are against ICANN policy and direction.  If a New TLD applicant has knowingly abused it responsibility through its business practices, and has apparently knowingly disregarded certain ICANN policy and direction, then ICANN should require real enforceable provisions and severe penalties that will prevent such conduct. 

If ICANN does not get a handle on protecting US consumers and the Industry with this opportunity now, then ICANN and the DNS may not be as efficient or as effective as it could be.

Derek A. Conant
General Manager of ALLDNS


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