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Username: cgrady
Date/Time: Thu, October 19, 2000 at 1:11 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.75 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: Mr./Mrs./Ms. View, or can I refer to you by your first name ... Global?


Mr./Mrs./Ms. View ?,

I completely agree that the majority of postings are done through aliases, thus ANONYMOUSLY.

I have clearly stated my name, company affiliation and position in each and every posting so that readers can put my views into perspective. (Am I a 12-year-old kid, a college student, the President of an Internet company, secretary, House wife, or simply a person related to one of the many Afilias or Neustar companies.) I would be correct to presume that I am the President an Internet Company based on my postings.

I have respected your views and do not think that your postings fall into the "tit-for-tat" category that I was referring too. Nor have I been "flamed into oblivion" by anybody on this board. Though I have not posted my email address I am one simple search away from anybody who wishes to know exactly who I am.

As an alias system is, in fact, implemented on these boards for ANONYMITY, I fail to see how calling an anonymous poster an anonymous poster is perceived as misrepresentation.

Kind Regards,
Chris Grady
Vieodata, Inc.
(For any of "global views" "zealots" who wish to flame me :-)


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