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Username: ManyStores
Date/Time: Wed, November 1, 2000 at 3:16 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5


      I have read many of the applications for new TLD's and saw that one of the applicants was a compnay called Commercial Connect, LLC.  In its business plan, htye note that Commercial Connect is a joint venture between two partners, and the Simon Property Group.  While I don't know any more about BestRegistrar than what the application says, I can tell you as a long-time tennant in a large number of Simon-owned malls, that I have never experienced dealing with a company who knows and understands the needs of retailers better than Simon. 

Their idea of ".shop," ".svc," and ".mall," is phenominal,and they should know!  All I know is that from my experience, I strongly recommend that you accept this application.  If Simon is involved, it will be a winner, and in turn, so will all of us in business throughout the world.  Thank you ICANN

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