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Username: Webster
Date/Time: Sat, October 14, 2000 at 10:20 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Here Explain THIS?


YOU SAY WHAT?????????????????????????????

      Jon Postel and Bill Manning, at a meeting at the IANA offices, in front of many witnesses (one of which is Mr. Simon Higgs, a long-time participant in these discussions), gave IOD permission to go live, collect fees, and a promise that the process would be complete
by the end of 1996. Many people at the meeting have said, on the record, that this happened. Many people who were NOT at the meeting seem to say it didn't happen. I suggest you read the court documents from the 1997 lawsuit where witnesses went on the record as confirming that this happened.
Additionally, I'd ask that you produce something from Bill Manning (the only surviving member of IANA at that meeting, as Dr. Postel sadly passed away a couple of years ago)that directly contradicts this. To date, Bill Manning has refused to contradict it.
I posted this on Afternic and copied and pasted it here. I have done my homework sir. Do yours.

OK HERE'S MINE.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Date:         Fri, 2 Aug 1996 12:42:16 -0500
Reply-To:     Jim Fleming JimFleming@UNETY.NET
Sender:       Owner-Domain-Policy
Comments:     RFC822 error: W CC field duplicated. Last occurrence was
From:         Jim Fleming JimFleming@UNETY.NET
Subject:      Re: Notes not minutes
X-To:         "bmanning@ISI.EDU" bmanning@ISI.EDU
X-cc:         "",
              "", ""

On Friday, August 02, 1996 5:40 AM, bmanning@ISI.EDU wrote:
@ Here is a list of the participants, those who requested notes, and the Notes
@ themselves.
@       ----------------------------------------------------------
@ Chris Ambler
@ John Frangie
@ Simmon Higgs
@ Dan Busarow
@ Michael Gersten
@ Bill Manning

Just to be certain, are you saying Jon Postel was not there...?

If so, then how can he comment on what went on...?

Jim Fleming
UNETY Systems, Inc.
Naperville, IL


Here's SIMON HIGGS.........................     
  Date:         Fri, 2 Aug 1996 13:07:11 -0700
Reply-To:     Simon Higgs simon@HIGGS.COM
Sender:       Owner-Domain-Policy
From:         Simon Higgs simon@HIGGS.COM
Subject:      Here's what went down.
X-cc:,, "Karl Denninger,

Let me clarify this for all the inept of comprehension, and those obviously
from alternate realities.

>From:  Jon Postel[SMTP:postel@ISI.EDU]
>Sent:  Friday, August 02, 1996 11:08 AM
>Subject:       RE: IANA Payments
>The suggestion that the IANA is accepting money to reserve new
>top-level domain is completely false.
>The IANA has not accepted any money in any form from anyone for domain
>name registration, name reservation, or other top level domain related

This is a true statement. See below.

>From:  Christopher Ambler[]
>Sent:  Friday, August 02, 1996 1:08 PM
>Subject:       clarity
>Let me be very very clear here.
>The notes from the meeting were published by Bill a few moments ago. I
>am glad this happened, because there are some people screaming that
>this was a "backroom" meeting. Nothing could be farther from the
>truth. I was prepared to post my own notes, but Bill asked that we
>all see and approve his before he sends them out. This has happened,
>and there are no surprises.
>The issue of funds has been brought up, so here is what happened. I
>gave Bill Manning an envelope to include with our application to
>the IANA. As per the last draft, the fee for an application was
>outlined, and I felt it a good business decision to have that
>included with my application. No more, no less. Anything else is
>pure fabrication.
>While some of you might have a difference of opinion on the IANA and
>how this is all transpiring, it is somewhat irrelivant to the meeting,
>now that the notes are published. The IANA is going to do what it's
>going to do, and everyone else is going to do what they're going to
>do. But in the end, SOMEONE is going to be putting new TLDs in the
>works, and my position, as a businessman, is that I wish to be
>involved. Bottom line.
>We can continue to discuss the issues, we can continue to attempt to
>get consensus, and we can continue the rhetoric and threats as long
>as it takes, but sooner or later, it's just going to happen. Everyone
>do their own thing.
>Have I been clear now? Are all my cards on the table? Is there anything
>else I can say? Please feel free to ask, or call me at +1 805 543 4716.
>Christopher Ambler
>President, Image Online Design, Inc.

I was at the table, sitting next to Chris as he wrote out the check. At the
time it was explained by Chris that it was written to fulfill the
requirements of a registry/TLD application fee described in the current
work-in-progress draft-postel. You can go read draft-postel to get the

The check was refused by Bill Manning on behalf of IANA about a dozen times
over the course of the meeting. Chris then requested that a sealed envelope
be attached to his TLD application.

Unless IANA have opened that envelope, found a check inside, issued a
receipt for that application fee, and reserved a particular TLD for Chris,
Jon Postel's statement is entirely true.

I understand that the envelope in question is being returned to Chris to
avoid further confusion.

... "I'm fine - it's the others" .............. President/CEO ................
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